Field sketch of Antarctic Cormorants on nest

Chinstrap penguins on and overcast day, Halfmoon Island, Antarctic Peninsula

I painted this chinstrap penguin on Halfmoon Island on the Antarctic Peninsula. The penguins were coming up from the sea toward their nests to feed their chicks. As I sat on the ground, one by one, they came up over the hill, providing an endless parade of models for my small watercolor sketch.

This Magellanic diving petrel was found on deck of the ship off the southern coast of Chile. It had perished during the night. I had the rare opportunity to paint it up close, observing all the feather patterns and details of its head and beak.


From my Venezuela sketchbook

Here is an array of wildlife on the beach.

I love to sketch during academic lectures!

I painted this in the quaint town of Cormeilles in Normandy, from a little cafe across the street.

Adelie penguin chick anticipating dinner.

From a salt water aquarium I once made from collected critters and local sea water.

These Antarctic Cormorants were not afraid of me as I sat on a nearby rock, painting them.

I never saw an ocelot in the wilds of Peruvian Amazon, but I found this one in the Iquitos Zoo.

There are always many hours to sketch in airports!

This little Peruvian girl was fascinated when she discovered I was drawing the leaf-cutter ants parading on the ground. She tried to help me by picking up ants one by one and bringing them to me!

A local friend making fish stew with pirhana and pavon we caught in a tributary of the Orinoco River in Venezuela

Being stuck in the pack ice, our research ship had to wait an extra day to arrive at Palmer Station in Antarctica. That gave me the opportunity to paint the desolate, but stunning landscape.

Long twilight hours at Port Lockroy Station, painted from the anchored ship. Antarctic Peninsula

Leaving Punta Arenas, Chile, on the way to Antarctica, I painted the colorful town.

A road in the mountains of Guatemala. A little girl came up and watched me as I skteched. We noticed the moon in the sky and she asked me if there was a moon in my country too.

Rockhopper Penguins hopping among the rocks in the Falkland Islands, where they nest among the Black-browed Albatross

Weddell Seals on the sea ice. When it had warmed to minus 20 degrees Fareinheit, the females came up through the cracks in the sea ice and gave birth to these dazed pups. I was able to sketch them with thick gloves on and hand warmers!

A field camp where I lived on the sea ice in Antarctica for a couple of glorious months, painting landscapes, and sketching weddel seals and Emperor penguins when they waddled in from the edge of the sea ice one night. On the left is a tracked vehicle to get to the science station, McMurdo, 2 hours away at its cruising speed of 10 mph. I painted this watercolor from a second tracked vehicle, whose heater warmed the air to just above freezing.

Chimpazee mother and young painted at Gombe National Park, Tanzania

Baboons were everywhere on the shore of Lake Tanganyika!

A stilt I painted at the edge of Lake Victoria, Uganda